Coming Soon

Humanathon Calendar

Humanathons inspire and empower individuals and groups to cultivate shared understanding and drive meaningful change.  They can take various forms, often beginning as virtual gatherings that kick off knowledge-building on our SparkMaps. SparkMaps serve as visual representations of this collective knowledge and sensemaking, with each "spark" representing the unique perspective and ideas contributed by participants. 

These thought maps are open for ongoing development both during and after the gatherings. Some incredible people initiate the SparkMap building sessions. 

You can attend the sessions below by signing up for the Hunome platform.

About Hunome

Hunome is a product uniquely designed for building multidimensional understanding. It's the place where collective and individual thought exploration and knowledge-building take center stage.

It's a haven for the curious and those committed to making sense
of a bewildering world.

The exploration takes place on a SparkMap—a multidimensional map of understanding that transforms how individuals and groups perceive and advance their nonlinear and dynamic thinking.

About Humanathons

A Humanathon is a collective sensemaking effort facilitated by the Hunome platform and products. Individuals lead or participate in thematic explorations, which delve into topics and issues requiring multidimensional understanding and aim to foster collective insight through systematic mapping. Our team supports leaders by offering step by step guidance, materials, and assistance. Importantly, leading in a Humanathon isn't the only way to leverage Hunome to build multidimensional understanding. 
You can initiate your exploration by clicking on a 'New SparkMap' within Hunome.

This approach allows you to craft your understanding at your own pace,  chart the initial course of thought, invite others to join, and reflect on novel perspectives and ideas. Your new insights hold the potential to resonate with a broader audience and make a significant impact.

Start building today

Be part of a transformative journey towards
a more informed, creative, and equitable thinking.