With small easy steps for one human, collective sensemaking delivers a giant leap for your organization, group and humankind

Together, build a world that makes sense


Build with ease, the storytelling and analysis of, a world that works

With collective sensemaking on Hunome you avoid diminishing returns on information and recursive and repetitive change related work and inputs. Gain the input of a rich and innovative narrative and analysis of the shared understanding. Collective means that you bring together the thinkers and doers to deliberate, hear the voices well and in a context of change relevant to you. Mature everyone to new levels of thinking and contributions. With ease this becomes your knowledge and wisdom permaculture.


Build to break silos on a world that works

With collective sensemaking you avoid the siloed and insular thinking and worn out and inefficient start-stop methods and approaches that lead to disappointing progress for you and the world. With Hunome you feed your ongoing needs for insights and understanding in your change related work. With ease, bring together many perspectives for a multidimensional and multidisciplinary system of thought. The assisted serendipity leads to novel thoughts and innovations. Inspire your group, organization, business and ecosystem to new heights and find new opportunities beyond your insularity.


Build alignment on a world that works

With collective sensemaking you rise to the leading innovative group of humans and organizations by aligning early. According to many studies only about 6% of people truly contribute to anything new in organizations and rightly so no one is happy. How about enabling the remaining 94% and beyond your own groups and teams and organizations to understand those things that you cannot see due to your set ideas, rules and limitations. Unleash the energy of humanity for a resonating and motivating outcome.


Build, for change-aware decisions, a world that works

With collective sensemaking you gain insights and understanding that you will not have any other way, for your context of change. You do not have this data–no one does without the collective sensemaking. No survey, ready to go template exercise or workshops, let alone AI, will deliver without deliberation. So, with Hunome, transform how your organization thinks. Motivate and excite your group or organization and ecosystem to make change happen with ease, with shared understanding of what makes sense. Deliver decision making with confidence and strength of action.

Connect the dots for a perceptive business, organization or yourself.
Master your universe.

Build a world that works on your change agenda with collective sensemaking

Learn how Hunome works for…


Build, for change-aware decisions


Build awareness of a world that works with your agenda


Build your perceptiveness muscle with your interest group