Demographic shifts and impacts 

Event Humanathon | Leader Adam Sharpe, Metafuture School

Population decline is an emerging concern in many societies. There´s an urgent need for a thorough understanding of its implications. This issue is particularly pressing in Europe and the US, where decision-makers must grapple with its long-term consequences.

Adam Sharpe, a Hunome member deeply invested in foresight, has taken the lead on this matter through a Humanathon on this theme.

His passion for pondering future societal changes motivated him to assemble a multidisciplinary team with a futures thinking bent, each bringing unique perspectives to the table. 

Their collective efforts delve into the complexities of population decline and develop proactive strategies to address its challenges.

As their work progresses, new participants are joining the SparkMap, enhancing the nuance and context of this discussion.

The platform is intelligent, intuitive, and fun to use, and the team is passionate and mission-oriented.

We love partnering with Hunome.

Adam Sharpe
Director of learning at Metafuture School; founder and project lead of the People Power game

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