How to Hunome

Different ways in which to build understanding on Hunome.


Solo Build: Build understanding independently and asynchronously. Invite others to do the same on your SparkMap.

Atomic Group: Bring your own group to flesh out ideas directly relevant to the group's interests or priorities.

Humanathon: Is a global human-aware ‘marathon’ as the wicked themes are ongoing and dynamic. It is designed to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to explore complex issues related to the human experience in various sessions.

Once you've signed up, set a profile describing your interests and ways of knowing, you can begin your sensemaking journey and add your unique perspectives. 

Build your SparkMap

Adding your perspectives feels like writing a blog post or crafting a short message, but the impact is far greater and more enduring. Your ideas become part of a larger conversation, interacting and evolving alongside others' contributions.

On Hunome, you intertwine your thoughts with those of others on an ever-evolving thought canvas, we call the SparkMap.

The SparkMap allows for the transparent evolution of ideas, enabling everyone to observe how thinking progressed and why it moved in a particular direction.

SparkMaps facilitate interaction between diverse perspectives and showcase the nuance, detail, and synthesis within them. By contributing yours, you play a vital role in collective sensemaking.

A space where
all voices will be heard 

The core Hunome platform is and will always be FREE

Collective sensemaking requires the inclusion of people regardless of how much money they have.

Similarly, the significance of perspectives should be determined solely by their merits and value, rather than the identity or status of the presenter.
Influence cannot be purchased or leveraged on Hunome.

We are committed to leveling the playing field so that all voices can be heard and contribute to our shared understanding.


On Hunome, you are able to intertwine your thoughts with those of others. Join any SparkMap, add perspectives to Sparks, igniting new thoughts

Atomic Group

Atomic groups on Hunome form around interests. Bringing your group together on a SparkMap build will set you on the way to sensemaking on a specific theme of interest to your group.

A Humanathon

Engage with diverse experts and people in a collective, ongoing effort to develop a comprehensive perspective on societal change.

Hunome is about active thinking and engagement.

You build rather than just consume, share and follow. 

Connecting vs. Building & Sharing

e.g. social media



  • Personalizing, closed thinking and finding the one answer

  • Build understanding


  • Connect people

  • Hierarchy (master/slave)

  • Linear

  • Connect thinking and build it—solo or in atomic social groups

  • Connect the dots


  • Individual sharing and the followers/algorithm suggestions are the intended audience

  • Curious and collective—working with others—all good thinking matters


  • Journalist

  • Politician

  • Influencer

  • Consumer

  • Thinker

  • Changemaker

  • Seeks to build to understand the bigger picture



  • Access to latest news via channels that follow or are pushed to view but also rabbit holes

  • Polarization

  • Fragmentation

  • Diminished human value

  • Loss of trust/hope

  • Underbelly of humanity in full view and influencing the ill informed and others

  • Much time wasted in dealing with the outcomes of social media.

  • Access to a growing understanding

  • Being part of the build in themes of interest

  • Global human progress with wicked themes

  • No regurgitation

  • Being heard and building a human-aware direction

  • Being informed in a more comprehensive manner

  • Constructive build behaviour

  • Promotional behaviour

  • Campfire

  • Mass deliberation

  • Tempered

  • Active

  • Transparent

  • Build for progress

  • Loudspeaker

  • Mouse wheel

  • Sensation

  • Views for ads

  • Feed the beast


  • Join in a thematic build

  • No vanity profile

  • What one thinks matters more than who one presents themselves as

  • This is for the thinking influencers who know that alone we know and can champion very little

  • Emotional and attacking content attracts attention with help from the algorithm

  • Social doubt

  • Influence to buy or even destroy

  • Easy regurgitation


  • No one listens

  • Much effort for little return

  • Who are these people?

  • Trust in community’s shared understanding


  • Being part of something bigger

  • Seeking real understanding with others

  • Argued and thought out points of view

  • Improve perception and speed of innovation

  • Direction to progress made visible, and the consequences of other directions

  • Vanity comparisions

  • Pressures of performance

  • Addiction

  • Mental health issues

  • Direct access to important people (but the real people are still opaque)


  • Leading and taking part in helping humanity make sense of itself

  • Meaningful shared agenda

  • Individuals or organisations can become a lead or champion of a theme or a cause

  • Build personal brand

  • Nurture the beast to stay above the waterline


Start building today

Be part of a transformative journey towards a more informed, creative, and equitable thinking.