Solo Builds

Solo Builds offer a unique thought-building experience. They allow you to deepen your personal understanding by independently exploring ideas that resonate most with you. This self-driven journey enables you to connect the dots between your thoughts as inspiration strikes.  

Add ideas anytime, anywhere, to see where your thinking takes you. 

Build Solo

How to build a SparkMap as an individual user
Example use case
Example use case Make sense of a wicked theme. Democratize research. Create a system from your notes.
How Hunome changes things for you
How Hunome changes things for you Become the perceptive presence on the theme. Become the perspective aware educator for humanity. Become the ultimate connector of multidimensional understanding.
Return on effort
Return on effort Gain insights and inspiration from the many perspectives. Be noted for your thinking and understanding. Build a strong reasoning with the comprehensive visible output. Be noted for your multidimensional awareness. Position yourself as helping humanity make sense of itself. Become known for what you are working on.

How to Build Solo

How to build a SparkMap as an individual user
Example use case
Example use case Choose to lead. Run synchronous sessions (Zoom, Google Meet, or others) and asynchronous builds (work at your own pace). Implement a program for shared understanding, with diverse human perspectives and multiple expertise areas.
How Hunome changes things for you
Rewarding build is easy Set the theme. Keep building toward a rich and inspiring output with your ecosystem. A systemic view to the theme of your choice.
Return on effort
Your choice Invite your ecosystem. Guide the build or let it flow freely—one thought connection at a time. Your efforts yield a visual and analyzed output that evolves with your SparkMap and the changing world. You keep building along with others.

About Solo Builds

Start building today

Be part of a transformative journey towards more informed, creative, and equitable thinking.