Collective sensemaking transforms how you succeed with your agenda
Shift from resistance to change to clarity of the shared agenda
From our many discussions with societal organizations we understand that it is difficult to take a change agenda forward, beat the resistances of many kinds, satisfy the stakeholders and increase awareness of your agenda. With Hunome SparkMap, build a rich and robust multidisciplinary shared understanding of your change agenda.
Build the strong argument for your agenda together
Sensemaking delivers when we inspire each other to novel thinking and well argued and understood narratives. Not left to think or progress the agenda alone. Your collective sensemaking will build a strong argument for the world and your stakeholders to apply to their thinking.
Your stakeholders and your agenda may not always run smoothly in the same direction. To help with that Hunome product enables you to include early, hear the dissenting voices as well as the perspectives that build your thinking further. And know the context and rationale behind both. Building a SparkMap aligns and inspires to new heights. You hear the many voices properly. The Hunome product enables giving time to evolve one’s own thinking and be inspired by that of others.
Humans represent a vast and varied pool of knowledge, perspectives that arise for an individual from many different sources of input. To duly deliver an agenda and get to action fast, many individual views need to be brought together and weighed together. Set the scene of your build with ease to direct your sensemaking activity to happen, setting a goal and approach will help build what you seek. On Hunome SparkMaps, you see well argued, contextual and connected perspectives and the opportunity to turn misunderstandings and isolated detracting perspectives to constructive contributions that are part of the whole. We may never agree fully but at least we’ll understand why something takes precedence in the deliberation.
No need to run start-stop processes and projects. Build your rich, dynamic, continuous and robust narrative, invite new people to the build and help everyone, humanity or your ecosystem, stay aware of the evolution. Kick off the SparkMap build with ease, with small nudges you can keep the work alive and people notified of changes in build focus and more. Manage the community with reminders, calendarizing, feedback and more to make sure your build is dynamic. Invite missing profiles to join to keep deepening the SparkMap after analyzing what you have already or do not yet have in the SparkMap, e.g. does it cover the human dimensions like for example psychology, legal or economic perspectives, how about aesthetic perspectives?
Bring together human collective ingenuity to get to action
Hunome’s unique product helps understand and make sense of the changing landscape. What makes sense to people and how they see their part of the bigger picture. Human ingenuity, varied perspectives coming from humans with different ways and disciplines of knowing, builds the thought connections on the SparkMap reflecting the many dimensions of a world’s knowledge. Ignites, that members apply, add contextual annotation, on their own Sparks, perspectives, and those of others to unearth different analytics from the SparkMap. Including what makes sense to people, what is emergent, upwards trends and more. These build data dashboards and filter the SparkMap.
Discover the power of collective sensemaking
Hunome helps societal organizations like yours move your agenda forward, bring your stakeholders to a shared understanding, gain your natural evangelists, get to your impact goals faster. Discover what your organization can achieve when you bring collective human ingenuity to life.