Why Hunome
On Hunome you make sense of the world together with your universe of thinkers
Human knowledge and understanding of the world is scattered yet all knowledge evolves continuously. For each bit of knowledge there is some counter argument. Each human experience can be refuted with another. Now we can make sense of this variety by deliberating together what does make sense. Without a path forward, without good understanding of what went before, without hearing duly the sides to the story then humanity stalls the progress. With obfuscation and short term benefits humanity drives itself to the wall of crisis and pays an expensive price to fix things at that time. This happens in business, in governments, and influencers.
Hunome is a unique collective sensemaking cloud-based product dedicated to stretching everyone’s understanding of how the world really works, how it would work better and why. We are a haven of collective sensemaking for businesses, societal organizations and individuals leading their groups who seek to pursue different and more connected ways of understanding their world. This brings about sustainable, robust decisions that in the long run deliver to goals of strategies that stand the test of time and innovations that consider unintended consequences.
Our world is fractured and divided
Now more than ever, existing perspectives are fragmented, boosted on purpose in that direction. Algorithms create division and confusion and linear thinking limits our understanding of the world. This destabilises the ground for decisions. We have an urgent need for an online space where societal voices can be heard and multidimensional understanding can thrive for business strategies, innovation and sustainability as well as longevity in societal decision-making. While AI is helpful in making your life easier in many ways, it cannot deliver, from old and existing data a multidisciplinary, evolving understanding of what next, with the human variety of knowledge and experience, connect the way humans see it. On Hunome, human ingenuity thinks and connects while AI helps to analyze it in many ways. All the while, never losing sight of what humans build together, and why, and how it evolves.
We reconnect humans and thinking
On Hunome you build visual mappings of perspectives, with your group, with ideas, experiences, research and more on a theme that you connect with others to build diverse understanding, inspiring to new heights and aha moments. Hunome is a space that enhances your perceptiveness, broadens your outlook with shared human insights, and empowers businesses, societal organizations and individuals with their groups to make a difference in the world through multidimensional understanding.
We revitalize human ingenuity
At Hunome we pay attention to and celebrate collective human ingenuity. We allow humans to see what works and what does not. Together, we are able to understand new perspectives and add our own that feed into our continuous deliberations.
We rebuild human understanding
Our community of businesses, societal organizations and individuals with their groups lead on Hunome their shared understanding and thoughtful deliberation. Any enthusiastic thinker is free to guide their own build across various fields, for example societal organizations like UBI Labs and Think Do Tank use Hunome to engage teams and invite global perspectives into their deliberations on Hunome. Futurists, designers, innovators and researchers find in Hunome a partner to ease their progress with their natural evangelists. Businesses feed their change related processes and workflows with relevant, contextual and multidimensional deliberation on ‘what next’.
A new community of shared understanding
If you're curious about the diversity of human perspectives and thrive on building understanding, Hunome, our unique online product for collective sensemaking, welcomes you. Join us around a new campfire of understanding to start shaping new directions and making a difference today.