Diverse perspectives build multidimensional understanding

Photo: A diverse group of happy people. They are happy because they have engaged in collective sensemaking.

We’re building understanding. Hunome connects different perspectives to build a multidimensional understanding of issues, problems and subjects (themes) relating to us as humans. We think different perspectives can open up a wealth of understanding of what it means to be human, which is why we help humanity make sense of itself. 

But wow – making sense of humanity seems like a huge task. Who has that breadth and depth of knowledge to create a better understanding of all of us? 

Well, actually we all do.

Being human is as simple as greeting others or folding your socks. Of course, it can also be as complex as understanding behavioral patterns or the ins and outs of social psychology. You could be an expert in anthropology or just have a really strong feeling about something.  As people, we are all qualified to help make sense of humanity. 

Every one of our perspectives on any theme contributes to the collective building of understanding. Here’s how.

Building your own understanding

Hunome has been designed so that anyone can easily connect thoughts, ideas, experiences—any perspective, really—on all themes related to humans. 

Let’s look at recreational space use, for example. A designer could share insights on the latest thinking on recreational areas, while two town planners could add their perspectives on wild vs. manicured public gardens. A member of a community fitness group could share their reasons why recreational space needs to be accessible and adaptable. 

By connecting their perspectives, anyone curious about the theme can start to connect the dots in their understanding of where their thoughts fit into the picture. Maybe they can see that many actually disagree with their view on public spaces or that they have an enlightening perspective on this particular topic. They broaden their outlook on the theme by considering other points of view and gaining insights even for things they may not have thought of connecting.

Building shared understanding

What’s more, they start to make sense of where public spaces and recreation fit into the human experience. Perhaps others are curious also and can expand their thinking from the views shared. Or maybe a problem emerges that impacts our collective experience (the mental and physical impact of the lack of green space in built-up areas). Different people add their perspectives to make a lasting mark on our evolving understanding of public spaces. 

As understanding builds around many themes, using these insights becomes more commonplace in all areas, not just in relation to public spaces. We can explore evolving understanding relating to shared problems, build systems from their parts, or understand change and its impact to get a comprehensive understanding of how the world works.

Building understanding for positive impact

We can change the world with multidimensional understanding. As insights into the human experience build, so does our ability to make more human-aware decisions. We can use these insights in practical ways—making personal decisions by building an understanding of what’s involved and what’s at stake or designing products and services with a better understanding of their impact. 

With a better understanding of people accessible to everyone, we improve our perceptions and those of others. This is the impact we hope Hunome has on the world by helping humanity make sense of itself.

Take your first step to helping humanity make sense of itself. Sign up for Hunome today.


What is a humanity explorer?


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