Timo Kuusiola
Timo Kuusiola leads on the theme of EU Economic and Energy Policy
(Session 2)
Humanothon is a human, world, change-aware ‘marathon’ – a thematic movement – for sense making and building shared understanding.
Theme: EU’s energy and economic policy and their effects and links to the goals of sustainable development.
Date: 18th September
Time: 2 pm Helsinki | 1 pm Paris | 7 am NYC
Duration: 2 hours
Intent of the Build: To have an exchange of ideas amongst various stakeholders and consider impact from different perspectives.
Build Approach: Humanothon
Status of the Build – Ongoing
Creatura Think Do Tank has started a project “Sufficiency or growth – the EU’s economy and energy policy in transition” funded by Europe Information. The goal of the project is to create an understanding of the EU’s current state of economic and energy policies, as well as the factors and value choices related to the choice of development paths, and to improve the understanding of young people, citizens and decision-makers about the complexity of the sustainability challenge, and to envision what a globally responsible, ecologically and socially sustainable EU would be like.
The main output of the project is the exchange of ideas in a Hunome SparkMap about EU’s energy and economic policy and their effects and links to the goals of sustainable development, of which climate change, nature loss, inequality and poverty are examined in particular in this project.
This is a second workshop on the theme, building on the SparkMap created in the first session in May 2023 by experts and young social influencers. Our goal now is to engage more experts, politicians and activists. Join us to contribute your knowledge and experiences to this discussion.
During the registration process, please specify “EU Economic and Energy Policy” in the field ‘how did you hear about us’.
You will receive the Zoom session link on the email you use to register to Hunome.
If you have already registered let us know at hello (at) hunome (dot) com that you are interested in joining this session.
Please note that the ‘add to calendar’ item at the end of this page only pencils it in for you but is not known to us.
Once you have registered to Hunome you can find the evolving SparkMap here
We look forward to mingling with you in this thematic build of understanding.
About Timo Kuusiola
This session is led by Timo Kuusiola, the founder of Creatura Think Do Tank. Timo is a thinker, organization activist and world savior with years of experience in climate matters. Timo is self-employed in non-governmental organizations and active in several cooperation groups, focusing especially on the issues of economy, climate, energy efficiency, and inequality. Timo has extensive interdisciplinary expertise which is why he can present new perspectives on global problems and connections between human behavior and social problems.
About Hunome
Hunome is uniquely designed to build shared understanding with collective sense-making. The SparkMap is a non-linear, evolving, multi-dimensional, map of understanding on the theme. SparkMap is a great way to visualize the understanding that a group of people have on a particular theme.
About Humanothon
Humanothon is a program run on the Hunome product. You can take leadership on a theme that needs multidimensional understanding and that you want to build with a concerted systematic attention with a group. Hunome product is there to use and our team helps the leads set this up with materials.
You do not need to run a Humanothon to build multidimensional understanding on Hunome. You can also just start by clicking on ‘New SparkMap’ once inside Hunome and craft your own understanding and see others join.